Archives for March 2018
Exxon, Pioneer hype Permian growth for years to come
Some of the to producers in West Texas’ booming Permian Basin would have you believe the hype cannot be overstated. Source: FuelFix
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Energy Dept. official says carbon capture work will continue, despite proposed budget cut
The head of the Energy Department’s fossil energy program, Steve Winberg, said government researchers remained focused on reducing the costs of carbon capture, despite a proposed budget cut. Source: FuelFix
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BP CEO sees healthy "fairway" with $50-$60 oil
After accurately predicting the prolonged length of the recent oil bust, BP Chief Executive Bob Dudley now sees a healthy “fairway” with oil prices remaining above $50 a barrel but below $70. Source: FuelFix
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Schlumberger rebounding after cutting 70,000 jobs
Schlumberger CEO Paal Kibsgaard said the world’s largest oilfield services firm cut almost 70,000 jobs in less than three years as its revenues plummeted 50 percent during a prolonged oil bust. Source: FuelFix
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ConocoPhillips focuses on returning value to shareholders
The oil and gas industry has spent the past decade or more destroying its value for shareholders, chasing volatile oil prices, said Ryan Lance, CEO of ConocoPhillips, the largest U.S. shale driller. Source: FuelFix
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