Archives for May 2019
Chevron bows out; Oxy wins Anadarko
Chevron said Thursday it will bow out and allow the smaller Occidental Petroleum to win the nearly $40 billion bidding war for Anadarko Petroleum. Source: FuelFix
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Oil drops as Trump's battle with China offsets Iranian tensions
Oil fell as flaring trade tensions between the world’s two biggest economies overshadowed concerns over supply disruptions from Iran to Venezuela. Source: FuelFix
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Q&A: Halliburton’s seven decades of experience offshore
Toby Dixon, senior vic president of the company’s drilling & evaluation division, agreed to a Q&A with the Houston Chronicle about Halliburton’s presence at the Offshore Technology Conference. Source: FuelFix
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OTC Notebook: Heartbreak on the exhbition floor
What made neighboring booths of Dutch offshore vessel firms Bluewater and Boskalis the most popular exhibits at OTC Wednesday. Source: FuelFix
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OTC comment: Big firms must think small to attract digital leaders
Although oil and gas companies recognize the need for digital-savvy employees, like data scientists, many have thus-far struggled to recruit and retain employees with these talents. Source: FuelFix
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