Archives for March 2020
Did Biden just pledge to ban fracking?
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden momentarily appeared to take a harder line on oil and gas drilling during Sunday’s debate with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Source: FuelFix
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Did Joe Biden just pledge to ban fracking in debate against Bernie Sanders?
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden momentarily appeared to take a harder line on oil and gas drilling during Sunday’s debate with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Source: FuelFix
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Global oil use heads for record annual drop as virus spreads
Global oil consumption is in free-fall, heading for the biggest annual contraction in history, as more countries introduce unprecedented measures to fight the coronavirus outbreak. Source: FuelFix
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CenterPoint to boost base rate of Houston-area gas bills
The regulated utility that supplies electricity and natural gas to the Houston area, is raising the base rate for residential natural gas by 89 cents a month, Source: FuelFix
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