Dynegy names new COO, promotes others
Dynegy is in the process of expanding and Daley previously served as the vice president in charge of the power company natural gas-fired fleet of plants. Daniel Thompson, who oversees the coal fleet, is retiring...
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Hurricane Matthew threatens petroleum terminals in Bahamas
Hurricane Matthew is threatening to shut in about 33 million barrels of oil storage in the Bahamas and disrupt Caribbean shipping this week before heading northwest toward the East Coast. Statoil said it would evacuate all...
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Luminant, TXU Energy emerge from bankruptcy after more than 2 years
The lengthy bankruptcy of Dallas’ Energy Future Holdings is nearing its conclusion. Energy Future owned the state’s biggest power producer, Luminant; retail electricity giant, TXU; and Texas’ biggest power transmission company, Oncor. Source: FuelFix
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Market Currents: Hurricane Matthew’s impact on US oil market
And we welcome the distraction of tomorrow’s inventory report with open arms, as well as Nonfarm Friday after that, as it takes some focus away from the ongoing OPEC shenanigans. As prices maintain a footing...
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BP’s U.K. Clair oil field still closed after leak at sea
BP’s Clair offshore field near the U.K.’s Shetland Islands is still shut following an oil leak. BP, which operates the field, said it wants to be “completely certain” the technical issue that caused the leak...
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