FERC approves Dynegy acquisition of ENGIE power plants
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved Dynegy Inc.’s acquisition of a French power company’s U.S.-based power plants, including six power plants in Texas. The deal with Houston-based power company Dyengy and ENGIE is expected...
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Senate votes to overturn anti-corruption rule on drilling abroad
A federal regulation designed to block U.S. oil and gas companies from bribing foreign officials for access to lucrative drilling rights is set for repeal after a Senate vote early Friday morning. The subject of...
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Tillerson implores State Dept. staff to “not let our personal convictions overwhelm”
The morning after his swearing in the White House, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was not shying away from the giant elephant in the U.S. State Department. Speaking in the lobby of the department’s headquarters...
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Market Currents: Groundhog Day again for oil
Yes, it’s Groundhog Day again, and that dastardly Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow, predicting six more weeks of winter. Fortunately, he’s no good at forecasting (unlike the woolly worm), hence little attention should be...
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Valero Energy Partners beats Wall Street expectations
By Rye Druzin, San Antonio Express-News San Antonio-based Valero Energy Partners beat Wall Street expectations with earnings of $60 million, or 77 cents a share, compared with Wall Street expectations of earnings around 70 cents...
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