Calpine closes $900 million Noble Americas acquisition
Calpine Corp. has completed its acquisition of commercial and industrial power supplier Noble Americas Energy Solutions, LLC. The companies first announced acquisition plans in October. Calpine expects a net cost of $900 million. The company...
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As Mexico welcomes oil giants, its colossus slowly erodes
In Mexico, the era of big oil is just getting started. But for the state oil dinosaur, its best days appear to be behind it. The reign of Petroleos Mexicanos, the government-owned oil producer known...
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Market Currents: More twists left in the OPEC tale…
An OPEC-inspired rally continues for a second day, as the prospect of a production cut means a likely swifter market rebalancing…if it were implemented. (And that is a big IF). Nonetheless, the positive development is...
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BP sanctions $9 billion deep-water Gulf project
BP has approved plans to spend $9 billion on a new oil-production platform at one of its largest deep-water fields in the Gulf of Mexico, the company said Thursday. The green light for the second...
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Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. completes merger with New York firm
Houston energy investment bank Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. completed its merger to become part of a larger New York investment that now has a combined $12 billion in investments under management, the firms announced....
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