Coal expected to surpass natural gas as dominant winter fuel source
In recent years, coal and natural gas have been dueling for the role of the nation’s largest electricity source, and it seems like coal will win that battle this winter. Coal is expected to surpass...
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Market Currents: An indicator of Venezuela’s potential bankruptcy
As the U.S. dollar climbs higher and higher (and higher), the crude complex is getting blown over by the gale-force headwinds it is providing. We edge closer and closer to the main event of the...
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Market Currents: OPEC oil exports keep rising
Crude is pushing higher, fanned by OPEC production cut hopes, but kept somewhat in check by rampant US dollar strength on the back of positive U.S. economic data. Hark, here are five things to consider...
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Saudis ‘optimistic’ on output deal; oil rises
Saudi Arabia’s energy minister is “optimistic” OPEC will reach a deal to cut output and said that a production ceiling of 32.5 million barrels a day would speed the balancing of supply and demand for...
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Oil field hiring could pick up next year, survey shows
Nearly a third of U.S. oil executives believe they’ll be able to hire new workers next year if the oil downturn eases further, a new survey shows. Executives acknowledged the expansion may prove difficult to...
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