As oil exports boom in Iran, investment questions loom
More than a year after the United Nations lifted sanctions against Iran, crude exports from Iran have come roaring back. Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh says the country exported more than 3 million barrels...
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Market Currents: Record US oil inventories weigh on prices
As U.S. crude inventories jump to a further record high, prices are chugging lower once again. A backdrop of strong economic data is also helping to sweep crude lower, via the broom of a stronger...
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Peak demand for gasoline worries U.S. refiners leaning on exports
U.S. gasoline consumption could have permanently peaked in 2016, and the Gulf Coast refining industry is increasingly looking to export markets in Latin America and even Africa to help unload all of its excess fuel....
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Wind power capacity surpassed hydro in 2016
Capacity for wind power in the U.S. in 2016 surpassed hydroelectricity, the typical dominant source of renewable energy in the country. While wind power capacity has increased, hydro power generation is still expected to exceed wind...
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BP to finish seven new projects in 2017, largest year ever
After years of stalled growth, British oil major BP will bring more projects online this year than any in the company’s history, CEO Bob Dudley said on Tuesday. BP will finish seven “massive” projects around...
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