Market Currents: More twists left in the OPEC tale…
An OPEC-inspired rally continues for a second day, as the prospect of a production cut means a likely swifter market rebalancing…if it were implemented. (And that is a big IF). Nonetheless, the positive development is...
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BP sanctions $9 billion deep-water Gulf project
BP has approved plans to spend $9 billion on a new oil-production platform at one of its largest deep-water fields in the Gulf of Mexico, the company said Thursday. The green light for the second...
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Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. completes merger with New York firm
Houston energy investment bank Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. completed its merger to become part of a larger New York investment that now has a combined $12 billion in investments under management, the firms announced....
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Crude inventories shrink
U.S. crude oil stockpiles fell for the second consecutive week, adding support to prices that surged on reports that OPEC nations had agreed to cut production. Commercial inventories of crude fell about 900,000 barrels last...
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Oil prices surge on milestone OPEC deal to cut oil production
U.S. oil prices surged by 9 percent up to about $49 a barrel on news that OPEC nations Wednesday reached a milestone deal to cut oil production, potentially signaling the beginning of a slow recovery for...
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