Houston’s Key Energy files for bankruptcy
The Houston-based oil company Key Energy Services filed for chapter 11 protection on Monday after working for months to nail down a bankruptcy plan its creditors would support. Key said in the filing it had...
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Market Currents: Venezuelan struggles seen in their oil exports
Another week kicks off with oil under the influence of OPEC and producer rhetoric. As prices totter around psychological support at $50/bbl, hark, here are five things to consider in oil markets today: 1) Venezuelan...
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Jacobs completes global headquarters move to Dallas
Jacobs is expanding its Texas footprint as it focuses largely on engineering and construction projects in the energy and petrochemical sectors. Jacobs also has big aerospace and government contracting segments. The new headquarters is in...
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Apache’s plans in West Texas draw attention of environmental groups
Officials from Earthworks, a nonprofit advocacy group mobilizing Balmorhea-area residents to protect the region’s natural resources, plan to speak at a community meeting Nov. 5. The Washington, D.C.-based group has met at least three times...
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Houston-area gas prices still hover around $2
Average retail gas prices in the Houston area hovered just above $2 per gallon for another week, according to a survey by price-watcher GasBuddy.com. The average price of a gallon of regular gasoline stood at...
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