Shell selling New Zealand assets for $578 million
Royal Dutch Shell said it will pocket $578 through the sale of its New Zealand oil and gas assets to the Austrian oil company OMV. Source: FuelFix
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Russia-linked hackers target U.S. energy sector in new cyberattacks, feds say
Russian government-linked hackers have targeted the U.S. energy industry and other sectors critical to running the economy in a new surge of online attacks since at least March 2016, federal agencies said on Thursday. Source:...
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Perry pledges to keep ARPA-E going, "if it's the will of this committee"
Energy Secretary Rick Perry pledged to Congress Thursday he would keep the government’s ARPA-E program going, despite the Trump administration’s proposal to end it Source: FuelFix
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Libya revives production, exports
The North African country where militants disrupted oil production for months just a year ago is now closing in on Saudi Arabia as the third-biggest source of seaborne supply to Europe. Source: FuelFix
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